This is 39: Reflections and Goals for 2025 (and 39)
Well, we almost made it friends– and 2024 has been a wild one. As I sit down to reflect on 2024, on the eve of my 39th birthday, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this past year. I didn’t create a “word of the year” for myself in 2024, but if I did, it would have been “rebuild.” That’s not to say all of the rebuilding happened in 2024– it’s been years of resetting, digging into the foundation and core of who I am and what I want from this life, and reflection. And, let’s be honest, I’m still a work in progress. Aren’t we all? It wasn’t always easy, but the lessons learned and the foundation laid have set the stage for what’s to come in 2025. I hesitate to share this– life throws us for loops. Some small; some devastating. I had big plans for 2019. I finished my coach training. I grew my blog exponentially. Matt and I were preparing to welcome our first baby into this world and just moved into our “forever home.” Plans changed. Goals changed. My focus changed. So I share this with you, knowing that things happen that are out of our control. For a while, that notion handicapped me. I was afraid to create goals, to plan for the future, because I was afraid of setting myself up for more devastation. I can’t operate like that anymore. So, I write this today with intention– to redefine my purpose and establish what I want from myself in 2025. What are my 2025 goals? If you’re in a space to do so, I invite you to do this too. And what would goal setting be without reflection? So, let’s start there.
Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Rebuilding
Wow– 2024 was a year of big changes and big steps in rebuilding. This year was about laying the foundation for this next chapter, clarifying what I want for myself and my family in this era, and, perhaps for the first time in a long time, allowing myself to dream again. While my personal life saw the biggest changes, I also explored other areas of my life. We’ve had a lot of change over the past five years– and this is the first time in a long time I’ve been in a space to just think. What lights me up? What do I value? What can the future look like for our family? What are items I’ve had on my proverbial list, but in all reality were just not realistic for me over these past five years? As I worked through these questions, with the help of Paul as my sounding board and voice of reason, I got to work. So how did this rebuild manifest in 2024?
Family: Building Our Foundation
First, and tied for the biggest life milestones of the year, Paul and I tied the knot! You can read all about it here, but safe to say, that in Paul, I’ve found a partner who brings light, love, and renewed hope into my life. Together, we’ve started to build a new chapter, blending our dreams and navigating life as a team. As I danced the day and night away, surrounded by my favorite people and looking over at Paul, I felt this energy unlike any other. In this moment, all these people who stood by me through my darkest days while also experiencing some of their darkest days, are happy. Happy for me. Happy for Paul. Happy for Bryson. Happy for love. You can’t put a price tag on that. We wasted no time for our next family milestone. Shortly after, we learned the exciting news that we are expecting! Truth be told, I didn’t know if it was in the cards for us. I had always wanted a sibling for Bryson, to add to our family. I wanted Paul to have the experience of being a “new dad.” But knowing I’m 38 now, and not wanting the added pressure of TTCing immediately, I just didn’t know how things would unfold for us. I didn’t have to think about it for very long. Gianna made that decision for us. Now, sitting here at 30 weeks pregnant, I can’t believe we’re 10 (or less) weeks away from expanding our family. Wild.
These weren’t the only milestones for me this year. This year also brought its share of family milestones. Bryson started kindergarten, a huge step for him and an emotional one for me as I watched my little boy take on this new chapter with courage, excitement, and curiosity. We have endured so much together in his five years on earth, and each step in life, no matter how big or small, always comes with a wave of emotion. I am so proud to be his mother. We also got our fair share of memory-making and travel—to Nashville for a bachelorette celebration with the best girlfriends on the planet who even took a line dancing class with me, to adventures in Maine for a relaxing family vacation, Boston for my Superbowl of concerts (shout out Kenny Chesney and Zac Brown), Philadelphia for Paul’s Superbowl of WWE entertainment, New York for Paul’s 40th and Knicks Home Opener win, and the Bahamas for some much-needed sunshine, connection, and honeymoon bliss (sans the bicep tear). Each trip filled my cup with so many memories and so many moments. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Every moment matters.

Business: Reigniting the Entrepreneurial Spirit
2024 was also the year I rediscovered my entrepreneurial drive and my desire to continue giving back in meaningful ways to a cause that means so much to me. Relaunching my OneHope wine business has been a significant step toward creating a foundation of autonomy while also allowing me to support A Matter of Hope and other wonderful causes. In all honestly, I took a bit of a hiatus the past couple of years from both my business AND A Matter of Hope. I needed that. But I’m back. While I’ve only just begun, diving back in provided a launching pad for Paul and I to have important conversations- laying a foundation and the groundwork for future ventures. Rebuilding one block at a time.
Passion: Rekindling My Creative Voice
Writing has always been a part of me, but 2024 marked the year I returned to my blog with renewed focus. Through this platform, I’ve been able to share so much of my journey, connect with others, and work through some of my own challenges and noise. My blog and my writing introduced me to so many wonderful people, an opportunity to reconnect with others and to truly create impact. To find purpose. This blog is both my creative outlet and a reminder of my ability to inspire and be inspired. Thank you to everyone who has read these posts– to everyone who has reached out and shared how much these posts have impacted you. Words cannot describe the honor.
This year was about laying a foundation. Every action—whether it was taking the time to focus on my family, delving back into creative and entrepreneurial ventures, or setting small, intentional goals—was a step toward rebuilding the life I want for myself and my family.

Looking Ahead: 2025, A Year to “Create Purposefully”
As I step into 2025, my focus shifts from rebuilding to creating. Many of you out there are, most likely, getting bombarded with “word of the year” messaging. Vision Boards. Goal-Setting. Tis the season, am I right? While it can be overwhelming, it can also be re-energizing. And friends, it doesn’t have to include some monumental shift. Maybe it’s just about getting through. Maybe it’s creating one small habit. Maybe it’s about reclaiming something in you that got lost in the mess. My word for the year is Create, but it’s not just about making things happen; it’s about doing so with purpose and intention. It’s about aligning my actions with my values and crafting an era that feels both fulfilling and meaningful.
Here’s how I’m bringing “Create Purposefully” to life in 2025:
1. Establishing and Growing My Brand, My Business, My Creative Outlets, and My Give-Back
Stepping back into OneHope and my blog this past year lit a fire in me. A fire rooted in purpose, in getting back and giving back to the things I love, and a spark I needed. I’ve recently shared more about OneHope, and my “why” on Instagram and Facebook. The opportunity to support important causes, to make an autonomous income helping people create memories over a shared bottle of wine, and to align with a company that shares those same values is a gift. Honestly, so many of the things I pursued over these past five years were rooted in passion and desire. A Matter of Hope. OneHope. This Blog. Coaching. I just wasn’t in a place to delve deeper, to grow, and to expand. I was physically and emotionally burnt out. I was still working through so much and didn’t give myself the space to grieve. As Paul and I sat on the balcony of our hotel room during the honeymoon, we talked a lot about my writing and the possibilities. Writing will remain at the heart of what I do, as I continue to grow my blog, document this next chapter, and bring you all along for the ride. Authenticity is at the core of what I do– and I appreciate you following along through the ups and downs, as I continue to make pivots, change my mind, and figure out, well, life. But 2025 will also be the year I take bold steps toward other creative outlets as well, including beginning the process of writing my book. Sharing my story in a way that resonates with others feels like the ultimate act of purposeful creation and something I’ve pondered for a long time. Be on the lookout for other creative endeavours– hint, Paul got me a fancy microphone and sound kit for Christmas. More to come.
2. Delivering a Healthy Baby and Building Our Family Unit
Welcoming our baby girl will undoubtedly be one of the biggest highlights of 2025. With Bryson, a lot of that initial time with him was compounded by grief, fear, and all of the tumult that came just weeks after he was born. I’m still angry so much was taken from all of us during that time. With every ounce of hope I have, this will be different. I’m taking a full twelve weeks of maternity leave at Oasis so I can focus on Gianna, postpartum recovery, and spending time with my family. I know this will be a huge transition for all of us, including Bryson, and I want to give it the attention it needs so all of us can adapt and create our foundation as a family of four.

3. Creating Memories through Connection with Family, Friends, and Paul
This year, I’ve learned the value of intentional connection. In 2025, I want to create space for more meaningful interactions with the people I love. We don’t get this time back– and it is so freaking easy to get lost in the grind, the to-do lists, the chaos. Recently, I asked my followers about goals they had for 2025– and one thing that came up on repeat was “saying no.” The more time we spend on things that have no meaning, and that don’t align with our values and what we want, the less time we have in the bank to say yes to things that matter. We have one bank of time, my friends. Spend it wisely. Whether it’s date nights with Paul, quality time with Bryson, dinner with a friend (or friends), travel, phone calls with Mom and Dad, or…planning an EPIC 40th birthday, these moments, big and small, matter.
4. Creating a Healthy Postpartum Routine
Postpartum health will be a priority, both physically and mentally. I want to create sustainable habits that allow me to feel strong and present, ensuring I can show up as the best version of myself for my family and my work. Whether that’s sticking to my therapy sessions, ensuring I get my steps in, or taking advantage of times of rest (my biggest challenge!) I want to make sure I’m the healthiest version of myself for my family.
I’ll leave you with this.
2024 taught me the power of rebuilding—of laying a foundation rooted in hope, belief, and intention. As I move into 2025, I’m ready to build upon that foundation, creating a life that reflects my deepest values and, dare I say it, dreams.
“Create Purposefully” is more than a mantra or a “phrase of the year”; it’s a guide. It’s a reminder to be intentional in everything I do, from the way I grow my business to the way I nurture my family and relationships to the way I express myself creatively.
Here’s to a year of purpose, love, and creation. I can’t wait to see what unfolds.

Until next time (and 2025!) my friends,

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