36 Weeks Pregnant: The Final Month of Pregnancy
Well friends, we are in the ninth inning of this pregnancy, and I’m looking forward to closing it out for the win. Seriously. I just surpassed my 36 weeks pregnant marker, and I’m now officially in my 37th week of pregnancy. I can 100% verify that I am ready for things to get moving. To be fair, I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy. Yes, there have been aches, pains, fatigue, nose bleeds, and swelling…but it could have been a lot worse. I dodged Gestational Diabetes, I only threw up a few times, and I’ve had a normal, healthy weight gain. Most importantly, Pistachio is looking like a healthy little cherub. It’s been a while since I’ve done a full on pregnancy update blog, so why not at 36 weeks pregnant? To be honest, my symptoms have all been pretty consistent throughout this pregnancy: digestive issues, 9 o’clock bed times, blocked nasal passages, skin that’s drier than the Sahara Desert, and of course, those nagging bloody noses that remind me of elementary school. For more on my fun symptoms, be sure to follow me on Instagram.
So what have I been up to?
Oh ya know…EVERYTHING. Naturally, I’ve saved so many things for last minute. I operate best under pressure. Cord Blood kit is in. Nursery is almost complete. Pistachio’s hospital bag is packed. My hospital bag is almost packed, with the exception of a few items that I’ve ordered but have yet to come in. I even created an entire excel notebook entitled “Baby Sgambato Invades the World,” complete with a checklist of “things to do before, during, and after labor,” our hospital bag checklists, contact information, a call/text plan, and OF COURSE, a guide to taking care of Charlie while we’re at the hospital. At this point, you either think I’m SUPER organized or SUPER crazy. You be the judge.

We’ve also hit the major milestone of weekly appointments. Moms out there: What was your “typical” weekly appointment like? Inquiring minds would like to know.
So what happened at my 36 Weeks Pregnant Appointment?
Group B Strep Test
I got swabbed. I had my Group B Strep (GBS) test, which basically tests for the presence of a specific bacterial infection down there. Before you freak out, note that this type of bacteria is NOT harmful to the mother at all. In fact, it’s pretty normal and is found in 25% of healthy women. It also comes and goes, so you may test positive for it during one pregnancy and negative for it during another. While it has zero effect on mom, if can present some pretty scary challenges for the baby. That’s why doctors test for it so close to the due date and a protocol is put into place if you test positive.
OH NO CHRISTINA! What if you test positive? Fear not my faithful followers. If I do test positive, it will be noted on my chart and I’ll be given antibiotics when I go into labor. I will, most likely, need to be more vigilant about “signs of labor” because it does take about 4 hours to truly kick in once administered.
I’ll know more about this in the coming week, but for all mamas-to-be out there that may be concerned about this test or want to know what it’s all about it, I hope you find this little information quickie helpful. Check out the link above for a more in-depth article on GBS.
Cervical “Softening” and Early Labor Signs
What else happened at my 36 weeks pregnant appointment? Well, I had a little sit-down chat with the doc about the pelvic pain I’ve been experiencing and the Braxton Hicks contractions. She affirmed that I should consider getting a pregnancy belt (I was prescribed one by a midwife, but have yet to actually pick it up) and that she wanted to check my cervix. Insert momentary excitement.
Annd….not too much to report. She did say that she can feel a lot of pressure on my cervix and that it’s softening. From what I’ve gathered in my research, there’s really not much I can deduce from that, other than I’m not crazy and the pelvic pain is legit. He’s measuring great and his heart beat is really strong. As are his movements. Even the nurse was impressed by the force of his wiggles and kicks. Not sure if that’s a good or bad sign?
Speaking of labor signs, am I the only one that finds this area confusing? “If you feel a trickle of clear fluid?” Ok lady…I’ve been feeling trickles of clear fluid for like two months now. In fact, so many of the signs my OB or Midwife mention are symptoms I’ve experienced during pregnancy (aside from really, really, really, painful contractions). Moms out there…what was your first tell-tale sign that things were happening? Asking for a friend.
Final Ultrasound
The final ultrasound is officially in the books. If you’re new to my blog, then you may not know that we’ve gone for an ultrasound every month since his 20 week anatomy scan because his umbilical cord enters my placenta through the side as opposed to the middle. For more info on that, check out my Twenty Week update. I’m happy to report, that his growth and development are 100% normal. Insert sigh of relief. It’s crazy that we’ve seen him for the last time before ACTUALLY seeing him. Of course, we’re naturally trying to deduce who he looks like; he’s completely squished in my uterus making it a little challenging. So I guess we’ll just have to wait in see.
Weight Gain and Postpartum Weight Loss

I’m hesitant to post this, but in the name of honesty and commitment to providing my readers with the full, raw experience, I think this important. Full transparency, I was petrified about gaining too much weight during pregnancy. But, I was MORE petrified that my preoccupation with weight gain would interfere with the healthy growth of my child. The latter trumped the former. Of course, there were times that I felt ginormous. On top of actually gaining weight, you’re dealing with swelling, digestive issues, and hormonal fluctuations that make it a little more challenging to stay level headed. However, at the end of the day, as I lay in bed feeling his little kicks and nudges, I’m reminded that it’s all worth it. Every ache, pain, pound gained, and item lost because of #pregnancybrain, has been worth it.
For the most part, I’ve maintained a pretty healthy diet and remained active. I do not exercise at the same intensity that I did pre-pregnancy, mainly because I just don’t have the energy to do it. And, to be frank, it gets really, really uncomfortable near the end of pregnancy. So, my “fitness” goal has focused more on moving and staying active. From a nutrition standpoint, I’ve focused on getting the appropriate macronutrients in to ensure that he’s getting what he needs and I’m getting what I need. I also had to consider what I felt comfortable eating and didn’t want to throw out the minute it arrived on my plate or in my salad bowl. Did I indulge? Of course. To be fair, I promote occasional indulgences anyway. But I was a little more lenient than the normal, pre-preggo Christina. Yes, I used the pregnancy card and I am NOT ashamed.
So how much have I actually gained?
Keep in mind that my pregnancy is not complete. So these stats are just PTD (pregnancy-to-date). I can tell you, I’ve been super consistent with my weight gain, though. In total, at 36 weeks pregnant (plus a few days), I’ve gained 22.5 pounds. With approximately 3 weeks left, I’ll probably end up somewhere in the 24-27 pound range. The weight gain goal for me is 25-35 pounds, so I should be close to or in that range. Remember, I did lose a pound or two during the first trimester. I also haven’t been lifting as heavy as I did before pregnancy, which may account for some muscle loss. Womp.
I’d like to note here that EVERY pregnancy is different. I know women that have gained much more and women that have gained much less due to a variety of factors including level of swelling, size of baby, genetic history, hormonal factors, number of pregnancies, etc. My mom gained 26 pounds exactly with both of her pregnancies (I’ll ask for forgiveness after for sharing that with you). We put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves when it comes to weight gain during pregnancy. So please, don’t compare yourself or your journey, regardless of whether or not you gained less or more.
Postpartum Weight Loss Plan?
Coinciding with the above share, I’ve had a few people inquire about how I plan on getting my pre-preggo body back. As far as my plan to “lose the baby weight,” I’m leaving it a bit fluid right now. I don’t know what my birth or postpartum experience will be like. I don’t know what condition my body will be in after pregnancy. As many of you know, nutrition needs, weight loss, and body composition are completely individual and can vary even for one person based on the stage in his or her life. I also plan on breastfeeding, which will effect my postpartum nutritional requirements. I’ll evaluate where I’m at after he’s joined our world and will document my postpartum recovery plan at that point. So stay tuned friends.
On that note, I’m pretty stoked for these last few weeks! It’s been such a pleasure bringing you all along during my first pregnancy journey. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to document it and, one day, look back on my experience. These last few weeks will be a mix of blog and social media posts, as we near his arrival (and I try to carve out a decent amount of time to keep you all updated). If you want the latest updates, then make sure to follow me on Instagram and, of course, follow this blog. I’m also toying with the idea of doing a Q & A with Matt, so if you have any questions for him, make sure to. comment below or message me. with your questions for the daddy-to-be!
Baby Name Hint of the Week
We are getting so close! I’m not 100% sure how many more hints I’m going to post,. Next post, I’ll include a run down of all of the hints thus far. We’ve had some great guesses and I’m really excited to reveal his name to everyone once he arrives!
Baby Name Hint Number 8: His middle name is one syllable.

I am sticky with James as the middle name 🙂
Sticky? hahaha