40 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Update and Birth Plan
Well friends, contrary to my prediction of an early delivery, I am just about 40 weeks pregnant, going on 1,000,000 weeks pregnant. I was SO SURE I’d go early. Unfortunately, my son doesn’t share my same sense of anxiousness and haste. This last month has been mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. However, it’s all worth it because sooner or later (pray for sooner), Pistachio will make his entrance into the world. So, for my final pregnancy blog, at least this time around, I’m giving you a bit of an idea as to what 40 weeks pregnant is like, how we’re doing, and my “birth plan.”
So what’s the deal Christina?
I had my “40 weeks pregnant and it’s time to get things moving” appointment today and I’m currently 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, which is a little disheartening because nothing has really progressed since my 39 week appointment. Given my propensity to irregular contractions, I hoped for more progress, but what can you do? The good news is, he’s in “perfect position” right now and his head is definitely engaged in my pelvis. Ya. No kidding. According to my midwife, we can thank my contractions for that.
Aside from checking my cervix for effacement and dilation, my midwife also performed a membrane sweep to try to get things going naturally. “What’s a membrane sweep, Christina?” So glad you asked! Basically, a medical practitioner manually goes up into your cervix and makes these circular motions to detach the sac around your baby from the cervix. This is thought to release prostaglandins, or hormones that can stimulate labor. It is 100% not the most comfortable thing in the world. I liken it to a more invasive and uncomfortable pap smear. I mean, she really gets up in there. But, modesty is out the door and I’m basically up for anything at this point, so prod away!
Have I tried anything else to induce labor at 40 weeks pregnant?
I’m drinking red raspberry leaf tea like it’s my job, lacing every dish with hot sauce, walking as much as possible despite feeling like he may fall out if I take an extra long stride, and doing at least ten squats every time I go to the bathroom. It’s adding up kids. I’m really trying to get Matt to do the Baby Mama dance with me. Not sure what I’m talking about? Google it. You won’t be disappointed. He promised me that he would do it if I go past my due date. I won’t forget that.
If I don’t deliver by Thursday, we’ll head in for fetal monitoring on Friday and tentatively schedule an induction date for next Wednesday or Thursday. So, as I said, one way or another, this baby will be making his debut soon.
How are we doing at 40 weeks pregnant?
Baby Boy Sgambato is great. His heart beat is strong, he’s moving consistently (despite a small scare a couple of weeks ago when I had to do some fetal monitoring), and he’s in position to rock and roll. As for me, all signs are positive at the moment. My blood pressure is great. Despite some exhaustion and anxiousness, I’m committed to staying strong and optimistic. I have to be. I’m going to deliver a baby for goodness sake. Physically, I feel uncomfortable, but hey, I’m almost 40 weeks pregnant and basically carrying a watermelon around (“I carried a watermelon?”…shameless Dirty Dancing plug). My total weight gain is 25 pounds, which is within the 25-35 pound range the doc recommended. My work outs have been less-than-impressive lately, so I’m excited to get back into it once said watermelon vacates the premise. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m keeping my postpartum physical recovery plan fluid. However, I know that my exercise plan will be a combo of strength training splits and cardio. From a nutrition standpoint, a lot will depend on breastfeeding. So, stay tuned. I’ll document my postpartum recovery and share all that info with you. Disclaimer/“let me address this before someone makes a comment”: I know that I have to wait for the green light from my physician before starting any vigorous exercise.
What’s my Birth Plan?
Since he HAS to arrive some day, I put together a “birth wish list.” I prefer not to use the term “plan” because, as many of you moms, nurses, and medical practitioners out there can attest, NOTHING ever goes as planned. For me, the birth wish list is more for peace of mind. I have an idea of what I’d like to happen and what I’d prefer doesn’t happen, unless there’s an emergency. The process of developing it set the stage for Matt and I to discuss and align on some big decisions. At the very least, I recommend chatting with your partner or significant other in advance about some of these decisions. So what did I include in this plan? I’ll share a PDF of my birth plan once I deliver, so you’ll have an idea as to how I set it up and what I addressed. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal it just yet because Pistachio’s real name is on it. And we can’t waste the good surprise!
I will however address some of the questions you sent me regarding our preferences. To be honest, Matt and I plan to follow the typical protocol our hospital recommends, and I made sure that, at the top of my wish list, I noted that all is subject to change based on medical necessity. Disclaimer number two: Some of these topics may be up for debate, and I’m always open to healthy debate. However, I’m not open to bashing or mom-bullying. Be respectful.
- Vaccinations: Always a hot topic, but I believe in science so, Pistachio will receive all recommended vaccinations. As part of our hospitals protocol, all procedures/vaccinations, with the exception of the circumcision, are performed in the room with the mother. In fact, Baby Boy will be in the room with me for most of the time, unless it’s medically necessary to take him somewhere else.
- Umbilical Cord: We’re opting for delayed cord clamping. Matt will be cutting the umbilical cord, unless he has a last minute change of heart, which is totally fine. I’m leaving that one up to him. As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, Matt and I are banking Pistachio’s cord blood and it is incredibly time sensitive. It’s crucial that the hospital knows that we’re doing this in advance because they will be managing the collection. For more info on cord blood banking, check out the bank we’ve opted to use: https://www.cryo-cell.com/
- Pain Management: I do plan on getting an epidural, but I don’t want any narcotics. I’m super sensitive to any type of medications or narcotics and I’d prefer to be coherent when Pistachio is delivered as opposed to Christina-the 2003 Hilton Head edition. I am going to try and manage the pain naturally as long as possible, but I’m not married to anything right now. It’s difficult making this decision when you’ve never experienced labor pain and every experience/circumstance is different.
- Skin to Skin: We’d like to do skin-to-skin immediately after birth. Preferably, it will be with me. However, if for some reason I am unable to do skin-to-skin, I’d like Matt to do it. This is typical and recommended protocol for our hospital now, as research has shown that immediate skin-to-skin contact can help everything from breastfeeding to body temperature regulation to heart rate regulation. Plus, my body has been growing this little guy for close to ten months. I’ve felt every kick, punch, flutter, and hiccup. You’re damn right I’ll be holding him as soon as possible.
- Who’s in the birth club?: My husband will be the only person in the L & D room with me. Well, and the nursing/medical staff. I also want him in the room if I end up needing a c-section. Since I’ll be delivering at a University hospital, I have opted to allow residents/students to observe. My parents will be at the hospital and our family will be able to visit once we’re situated and recovering. Hopefully, we won’t be there too long and most people will be able to visit our little guy once he’s home from the hospital.
- Breastfeeding: My goal is to breastfeed, hopefully immediately after birth. I have pre-requested that a lactation consultant be available (if possible) right after I deliver to help with this. I understand that this doesn’t always happen and it may be difficult or impossible for me. We’ll see how everything goes, but again…wishlist.
- What else will be in my hospital room?: I’ve asked that a birthing ball be available for me to use and I plan on providing my own music to play during labor. I’ll also have some of my essential oils in tow to help with pain management and relaxation. Plus, I hate the smell of hospitals, so there you go. There’s also a laboring tub available if I’d like to labor in it for a bit. Question for mamas out there: What are some of the items you had in your hospital room to help distract or deal with labor?
My “wishlist” has a lot more information in it, so if you have any specific questions, feel free to comment on this post, shoot me a message, or comment on one of my correlated social posts. This will most likely be my LAST pregnancy update. Honestly, it has been incredibly special sharing this journey with all of you. I wasn’t exactly sure how this content would be received. Would I be criticized for sharing too much? Would people be offended? Would I lose my healthy-lifestyle followers? I’m glad I decided to just YOLO it and do what I wanted to do because the response has been so overwhelming. The wonderful messages and comments I’ve received have been heart-warming, helpful, positive, and 100% appreciated. So, thank you. If you’ve missed a few posts and want to catch up, you can filter my posts by category and check out My Pregnancy Journey. I hope that you’ve enjoyed following along, laughed a few times and, perhaps, learned a thing or two. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @christinasgambato for baby watch updates. I’m so excited to introduce you all to our son, reveal his name, and share my postpartum journey. See you on the other side of birth!

Until Next Time,

Heli Sgambato
Thank you for sharing your journey with us all! Can’t wait to meet the little guy!
So glad I have these posts to look back on after he arrives! Can’t wait for him to meet his Nonni 🙂