Ever feel like you get super, super excited about something and then reality sets in? Things get moved, and shuffled, and suddenly something that’s super important to you get pushed aside….well, same. I was really, really excited about getting this blog going. And then, September hit like a ton of bricks and it just didn’t happen as consistently as I would have liked. But I have goals my friends, and I’m back.
QUICK SEPTEMBER RECAP: 5 work events, 4 weeks of chaos, 3 amazing weddings (including my baby sisters’), 2 not-so-amazing anxiety attacks, 1 family health scare that threw my mojo for a loop….and a Chucko in an un-made bed.
September was A month. I’m not saying this to promote “excuse-making.” I’m saying this because these are the cold, raw facts. And sometimes, life happens and you give yourself a hall pass. The important thing is: you get right back on track. Often, not being able to rise after falling is the BIGGEST obstacle preventing us from reaching our goals. Trust me, in the years I’ve spent working with clients, participating in challenge groups, and hey…the 30+ years I’ve been alive, I see it repeatedly. But instead of preaching on and on about this, I’m going to point out five ways to get back on track with whatever your goal may be: weight loss, eating out less, getting a promotion at work, changing careers, being a more generous and genuine person, moving more…I mean, there are a lot of goals out there. I’m sure you’ve got one that you’re working toward, but kinda fell off like a drunk on a barstool…now it’s time to sober up (figuratively speaking), and make some moves.
- CLAIM IT & AFFIRM IT: Reclaim your goal and say it out loud. Like every morning. This may sound silly, but give it a try. I mean, we sing in the shower and dance in the car, but we’re too afraid to say how we feel out loud? Kinda cray cray. This is a big part of my morning routine. I highly recommend the book The MIracle Morning if you’re looking for some pointers on how to have an effective morning. Any who, here’s the deal:
- Write down your goal and be specific. For example, “I will share a blog every day, for 30 days straight because I want to help, inspire, and educate others on a consistent basis. By doing that, I can also connect with myself on a deeper level.”
- Every morning, maybe in the shower, on your way to the gym, or on the potty…you say this out loud. Until you reach your goal.
- Do this until you’ve achieved your goal. Have more than one goal? Awesome. Get a larger piece of paper.
- Post this piece of paper somewhere that you see often. Even when you aren’t saying it out loud, you’ll have a reminder staring you right in the face.
- TREAT YO SELF: Because who doesn’t need an excuse for a spa day or a glass of high quality vino? In a perfect world, we’d all be so intrinsically motivated by all of our goals that we wouldn’t even need an extrinsic reward. But then the unicorn runs away and prince charming turns into a toad. Sometimes, we just need a little something extra to keep us motivated, especially when our goal is a long-term goal. Below are a few ideas, but this is totally individual. You must identify something that motivates you and is feasible within your personal lifestyle and budget. Also, it should be something that you don’t normally spend money on. Hence the reward factor:
- Spa Day
- A bottle of that amazing wine to share with your sig. other
- An Adult Piggy Bank (we’ll call him, Wilbur): . Each week (or day, or month…whatever you choose) put a certain amount of money in Wilbur. Once you’ve reached your goal, you pick something to reward yourself with using that money. And mom, if you’re reading this, that doesn’t mean gifts for other people.
- Concert tickets
- A mini-vacay
- New clothes
- SHARE WITH OTHERS: This can be a tricky one because, oftentimes, people can feel either ashamed or nervous about sharing their goals with other people. First of all, don’t. OWN it. Be proud of the fact that you’re making the decision to change your life. Second, there are a lot of different ways to share your journey with others. Working alongside others to reach a goal or just sharing your goal with others heightens your level of commitment. Because now, other people know. Below are a few ways to share your journey:
- Join a Facebook Group geared toward your goal: There’s literally a Facebook group for EVERYTHING. Find a group catered to your specific goal and how you plan on achieving it. For example, I’m part of a few fitness groups, health coaching groups, and business groups. Aside from offering motivation, support, and accountability, these groups have given me some of the BEST ideas as to how I want to achieve me goals.
- Find a Community Meet-Up or Group: It’s so easy to find in-person meet-ups, networking groups, and clubs. Meetup.com, Facebook, Twitter, Google, your neighbor next door, or even your workplace…there are a lot of ways to find out about these groups. Can’t find one that speaks to you? Start your own!
- Social Media: This is very dependent on your level of comfort. But, some people choose to use Instagram, Facebook, Blogs, Vlogs, etc. to chronicle their journey. Again, the level of accountability increases tremendously when you share something with the world. This is NOT for everyone…and social media can be amazing…or it can be brutal. You should be prepared for both.
- Share with family and friends: Be open with your family and friends about your goals and express the importance of their support. Who knows? You may even find another family member or friend that has similar goals and you can support one another.
- PLAN IT OUT: There may be a lot of reasons why things didn’t go exactly as planned the first time around. But hey, we make mistakes and we learn from them. You may need to change your approach or change the plan a little? For example, maybe you really wanted to lose 30 lbs. So you tried a diet that consisted mainly of packaged food. The thing is, you love the kitchen and enjoy creating new dishes…But this “diet” did help you shed some pounds and it took a lot of guess work out for you. Problem was, after three weeks you were bored and didn’t feel fulfilled. So, you stopped. Lesson: Maybe you need to re-evaluate your approach. It’s ok to take a little time to figure out the WAY you’re going to achieve your goal. Remember to be SMART: Specific. Measurable (how will you evaluate). Attainable (is your goal realistic?). Relevant (get clear on your why). Time-Sensitive (self-explanatory).
- INVEST IN YO SELF: I’m sure a few cringes are about to happen, but hear me out. When we invest cash money in something, we tend to have an easier time sticking to it AND…wait for it…getting more out of it. When you invest money, it’s another way of making a commitment. And, let’s be real, we’re pretty protective of our $$$. Here are a few ideas as to how to invest money to reach your goal:
- Hire a coach: Whether this is a health coach, personal trainer, business coach, life coach…whatever it may be. A coach can help you set a plan, offer advice and support, help you identify obstacles and work arounds, and, most importantly, hold you accountable to reach your goals. Here’s a personal example: I’ve been into health and wellness for quite some time now. But, as my wedding approached and the pressure was on to look my absolute best, I didn’t trust myself to achieve my desired physique without resorting to old, unhealthy habits. I hired a coach who set up a nutrition and workout plan for me. I had access to her advice and help 24/7 along with weekly check-ins, adjustments when needed, and accountability. This was one of the best investments I’ve ever made because her coaching helped to keep me healthy and happy for one of the biggest days of my life.
- Don’t cheap out on necessities: Buy something that’s actually going to help you achieve your goals…and don’t cheap out. It’s ok to do a little investigating first and not just jump at the most expensive option. But, consider your budget and prioritize your investments.
- Purchase a membership or attend classes: There are a lot of pay-to-play membership programs out there, as well as, educational institutions that offer classes and programs for pretty much everything under the sun. Fitness Centers, Yoga Studios, Business Classes, Adult kickball leagues…you name it, it’s out there. Sure, there are free options, but will you REALLY stick to those programs? Think about it.
I know that was a LOT of words for one blog post, but instead of just saying “Get back on track” or “You got this girl,” I think it’s important to provide you with some useful tips. Also, if you’re having trouble with something that’s seriously affecting your mental or physical health (substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, etc.), please seek out professional help. There’s no shame in that game. I have a few things up my sleeve to share with you all, but…I can’t just yet. Guess you’ll just have to keep following along 🙂 Until next time…
~ Xtina

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