Labor Day Weekend: A Healthier Approach
Hi friends! Happy Labor Day Weekend! Personally, I love Labor Day weekend. Yes, to some it may signify the theoretical end of summer. Everyone knows that it isn’t ACTUALLY the end of summer, right? For those of us still living in a 90 degree heat wave, summer is far from over. So, I’ll take the three-day, long weekend in September to usher in some #basic essentials like football season, dreams of leggings and flannels, apple scented candles and my favorite…pumpkin everything (dairy-free, of course). Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons (if not the most beautiful), and I’m excited to spend my first autumn in the country.
Now, back to Labor Day Weekend…
I’ve had a few people reach out, asking for some tips on staying healthy and “sticking to their wellness programs.” While many embrace this weekend as a time to celebrate, others get really anxious about derailment and temptations. Fear not, my friends. Having anxiety over the “what-if’s” is not worth your time. Trust me. One weekend of taking a more lax approach to life WILL NOT KILL YOU. I REPEAT: IT WILL NOT KILL YOU. Now, that being said, there are some healthier ways to head into a holiday weekend without completely de-railing yourself. Below are my top five tips to a healthier Labor Day weekend.
- Choose to booze wisely: First of all, we’re adults. At the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, there’s no need to treat your labor day weekend trip like a college frat party. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t have fun. In fact, think about how much MORE fun it will be to remember those good times the next day! When I wasn’t filling my solo cup with virgin, skinny mojitos and water with lemon at every party, I would probably have a wine spritzer, glass of champs, or skinny marg in hand. There are ways to make healthier cocktail choices. Check out this blog post for some healthier drinking options. And keep in mind, there’s no need to force feed yourself something you detest just because it’s healthy. If you want that Strawberry Daiquiri or Pineapple Margarita you’ve been craving all summer, have it. But have one. That’s it. Cool? And, not that I should have to remind you of this, but for the love of Mary and Zack Morris, please don’t drink and drive.
- Focus on the people, not on the food. The cookouts; the vacations; the campfires with friends. All of the wonderful events that typically pop up aren’t just about the food. They’re about reconnecting with family and friends; they’re about relaxing and letting loose; they’re about playing those yard games or dancing the night away. Hint: engaging in those fun activities also burns calories. Speaking of which, keep up with your fitness. In fact, bring it outside and ask others to join; or don’t involve others, especially if its your only “me” time. Walk, run, or play around. Take advantage of this free time to focus more on what you’re doing as opposed to what you’re eating. PRO TIP: Don’t hang out next to the food table at cookouts. Do I need to elaborate?
- Bring a healthier option: There is literally no excuse not to anymore. With the advent of Pinterest, Instagram, and the Google, you are no longer condemned to being “the one who brought the veggie tray.” Insert sad face. If you’re looking for a quick and healthy option to bring, check out my post from last labor day, featuring my mini-salad cups!
- Get some Vitamin D: If possible, get outside as much as you can. Soak in the sunshine. Why? Because Vitamin D is kind of a big deal. Aside from the mood benefits, it helps strengthen teeth and bones, foster a healthy immune system, improve brain and nervous system function…among many other things. One of the greatest ways to absorb Vitamin D is through some good old fashioned sunshine time. By the way, it’s free.
- Don’t forget about Vitamin L: Here’s where I get corny…”Vitamin L,” as many of my fellow Integrative Nutrition graduates know, is LOVE. Get in all the love this weekend, friends. Take advantage of the relaxed, social attitude of your fellow man. Spend time with your kids and spouse. Check-in with friends you haven’t seen in a while. I challenge you to, every morning, write down one thing you’re looking forward to in the day. When you go to bed at night, on that same piece of paper or notepad, write down one thing you’re grateful for. Take the opportunity, with a little extra time on hand, to reconnect with yourself and those around you.
Above all, don’t stress out about “not being healthy” or “all the temptation.”
Friends, life will always have temptations. And you know what, it’s ok to give in sometimes (within reason of course). You can take this as exoneration or a free pass from health coach. On Tuesday, you’ll go back to school, the grind, and your routine. Take the time to be a little off-center. I, for one and a half, will be bumpin’ around 🙂

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