Maternity Photos 101: Tips and Advice from our Maternity Photographer
We’ve all heard of engagement photos and wedding photos; and who can look past those adorable newborn photos? But maternity photos? That’s “a thing?” You better believe it. Recently, there has been a major influx of mothers-to-be seeking to capture those precious moments of pregnancy on film. The intimacy, excitement, and anticipation of bringing life into the world can only be captured at very select moments in time. When I found out I was pregnant with Pistachio, maternity photos were a no-brainer, for a few reasons: 1) The obvious chance to capture a rare moment in time 2) An opportunity to embrace my pregnant-self through the lens of a professional and 3) Matt and I are terrible at taking pictures together. Honestly, the only other photo I have with Matt during this pregnancy is from my eighth week, while we were at our friends’ wedding and I look more bloated than pregnant.

My Maternity Photos Tips
Given this, I started researching different photographers in the area. I blasted out the typical “seeking recommendations” post on Facebook and was pleasantly surprised by the number of people that responded to me with their suggestions. You can tell that the photographers people select hold a special place in the hearts of these couples. Why? I think it takes a special person, style, and “lens” (pun totally intended) to portray the very real, raw, and emotional aspects of pregnancy. After some in-depth research, I reached out to Caroline Fisher Photography. I absolutely loved her style and the emotion it evoked. She was also very responsive, which, if you know me, automatically gave her a leg up. We chatted about my personal preferences for a maternity session and how she typically shot her sessions. After our conversation, I was impressed. Matt and I hired her back in July/August (around our 20 week anatomy scan_) to conduct our maternity shoot in November. That may seem early, but if you’ve ever planned a wedding, you know how fast good photographers book up. That said, I have a few tips when considering maternity photography:
- Book early: Opt to book your photographer sooner rather than later. If you’re married, consider how far in advance you booked your wedding photographer. Quality photographers tend to book up fast and, oftentimes, their portfolio expands beyond maternity photos; which means, you’re competing with weddings, engagement sessions, and other big life events.
- Consider style: This was super important to me because there really are a wide array of ways to capture pregnancy. Perhaps you want more of a fun, family photo session; or maybe you want a more intimate look into pregnancy and/or your relationship. Perhaps you want a mix of both. I created a Pintrest board for the maternity photos I admired and shared that with Caroline before we even signed a contract. I wanted to make sure that we were on the same page.
- Newborn/Maternity Packages: Finding a photographer that will do both your newborn and your maternity session can take a load off your mind, especially amidst the postpartum craziness.
- Ask questions/Establish a Relationship: Again, this person is capturing a very, very important phase of your life. The more open you are to asking questions, seeking recommendations, and providing insight, the happier you’ll be with your selection. I asked Caroline everything from hair/makeup/clothing recommendations to her perspective on time of day and location. On the note, don’t be afraid to keep the communication lines open with your photographer prior to the shoot. I highly recommend starting a Pintrest board or collecting maternity photos to use as examples and sharing them consistently with your photographer.
Now that you have my non-professional, pre-mom tips on maternity photos, I’d like to introduce you to the artist behind my personal maternity photo shoot, Caroline Fisher. I had such a positive experience with Caroline and, as both a new mom and maternity photographer, I find that she has some excellent insight for my readers. So, without further adieu, meet Caroline!
An Interview with our Maternity Photographer, Caroline Fisher
Christina: Thank you so much sitting down and sharing your knowledge and experience with my readers today! As artists, I always find the passion that photographers have for their work to be quite inspiring. Can you tell us a little bit of your backstory and how you got into photography?
Caroline: I’d love to! Growing up, my family put a huge emphasis on capturing all of our memories. There aren’t many big events I can think of during my childhood where my dad didn’t have the camcorder out or was snapping pictures on a disposable film camera. When they (my family) graduated to a “fancy” DSLR camera, I ended up using it more than anyone in the house. I started learning everything I could and my brother and I would have all kinds of random, silly photoshoots. A bit down the road, I met my then boyfriend who also dabbled in photography. When we moved to California, his sister asked us to shoot her wedding, since we had a “fancy” camera. That was our first “big shoot!” Talk about pressure! I still cringe at those pictures, haha. After that, we decided to go into business together as wedding photographers and it grew from there. We now have gone our separate ways and split off into our own photography businesses, but we are still friends and we second shoot weddings for each other now and then when he travels to the East Coast.
Christina: Such a cool story. I love hearing about people who turn their passion into a business. I feel like when you invest yourself in something you love, beautiful things can happen. So, it sounds like you started in wedding photography, but now your portfolio has definitely expanded. What makes maternity and family photography so special for you?
Caroline: I recently, within this past year, decided to make the switch from primarily wedding photography to maternity/family photography. In January of last year (2017), my son, Oliver, was born and completely changed my outlook on life. Now that I’m a parent myself, I can relate on such a deeper level with my clients and capture what I know I would want captured in my own family. I cherish those home videos and pictures from my childhood more than anything. Giving that gift of memories to families is the most rewarding job in the world to me.
Christina: Trust me, as a client, I am so grateful for your gift 🙂 I also LOVE that you’ve recently added newborn, home videos to your services. I can’t wait to explore that a bit more given how much of an impact your family home videos made on your life. Now, that we have a bit of a backstory, you helped me so much in preparing for the maternity shoot. Likewise, you’ve also gone through the process of being a pre-mom and wanting those moments captured. What should an expectant mom look for in a photographer when she’s conducting her research?
Caroline: When looking for a maternity photographer, you really want to search for someone whose work really speaks to you and vibes well with your vision. There are so many different styles of photography out there and it’s important that both you and your photographer are on the same page. Your inquiry to me was perfect! You told me a little about what you were looking for and asked to learn more about my business in return. This way, we could make sure it was a good fit.
Christina: I totally agree with you. There are so many styles out there; and one isn’t necessarily better than the other, but everyone has their own unique vision of how they want to capture special moments. I’m so glad we were on the same page. Speaking of which, how far along do you recommend a mom-to-be should be when taking maternity photos?
Caroline: Every woman is different depending on her body type and how far along she starts to show, but generally speaking, between 30-36 weeks is the best time to schedule a session!
Christina: Basically, far along enough to see the bump but not too far along where you risk going into labor on location! Speaking of which, pregnancy, especially late pregnancy, can make a mom feel less-than-glamorous. What are some preparation recommendations for moms-to-be? Any recommendations for their partners and/or children who may be in the photos?
Caroline: Yes! The struggle is real. I highly recommend hiring a professional makeup artist and hair stylist. (Christina side note: I hired an amazing hair and make-up artist per Caroline’s recommendation: Tasia Mitropoulos) Not only do you get some downtime to to relax for a bit and get pampered, the stylist can help bring out your top features and allow you to feel your absolute best for your maternity photos. If you are looking for a more budget friendly, at home option, simply grabbing some false lashes can give your normal makeup routine an extra pop!
For your outfit choice, make sure you choose something you are comfortable in. Long, flowy dresses are my favorite. They photograph beautifully! I always suggest that you find an outfit or two that you love first, and then style anyone else in your shoot around that. It’s always best to think of your outfits as a color pallet, and make sure that everyone else doesn’t clash with you. When in doubt, neutrals and earth tones are always a great choice.
Last, but not least, just relax. That’s the best advice I can give to make sure your maternity shoot goes smoothly. I know getting ready for a shoot can be stressful, especially while pregnant! But try to take this hour or two to really just live in the moment, feel the life growing inside you, and think about meeting that sweet baby in only a few short weeks. Think about your shoot as a whole experience. Also, schedule a date night after and put that hair and makeup to good use!
Christina: Love your tips! Of course, I knew some of those ahead of time because I badgered you for a solid three or four months 🙂 For the record, Matt and I DID have a date night after our shoot. Not only was I feeling a little more “put together,” but the day, in general, brought us closer as we celebrated new beginnings. Speaking of tips, do you have any recommendations for location and settings for a shoot?
Caroline: When choosing your location, I would suggest first coming up with the vibe you are looking for in your session. Some examples are woods, water, fields, mountains, urban/downtown, in-home, etc. Then, when you have that in mind, talk to your photographer and see if they have any suggestions based on your ideas. PRO TIP: It’s always best to schedule your shoot either at sunrise or sunset when the lighting is best!
Christina: Awesome! Now, this may be a little tough, but do you have a personal favorite location for maternity photos?
Caroline: Hands down, my favorite sessions are in-home sessions. There is something so nostalgic about looking back on images in your own home during this stage in your life and having all those memories come back to you. I will always love beautiful landscapes and golden hour sun in photography, but at the end of the day, pictures that stir up that emotion will always win.
Christina: I get goose bumps just thinking about that. I can tell that you’re very much into the art and emotion behind your photography, which is such an important trait. We’ve talked about location and preparation, but from a “style” standpoint, how do you like to shoot? What are some of your favorite “styles” of photography?
Caroline: My favorite shoots are anything that really evokes emotion. I find that my favorite shoots tend to line up with my personal experiences. Lately, it’s been newborn shoots for me, since I’m a new mom myself. Every time I shoot, I see myself in that mother and can feel her love so strongly for her new baby. It’s such a beautiful experience.
Christina: It’s crazy how much these newborn and maternity photos have blown up over the past few years! We’ve come a long way from your standard hospital photo. Maternity photos, in particular, have definitely become a very new, “it” thing to do. How do you see maternity photography evolving over the next few years? What are some trends we should expect to see?
Caroline: That’s a great question! Maternity photography has definitely taken off over the past few years. It’s so funny to think that our parents and grandparents would have never even thought of doing a maternity shoot! I think with photography in general, we are moving out of the era of perfectly posed images. More and more photographers are searching to capture those “in-between” moments and raw/honest images. I think emotive photography is making a huge breakthrough right now and we are going to see much more of that in the next few years!
Christina: Note to self: look up emotive photography! Thank you so much again for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with my readers. If you could leave us with any pearls of wisdom, as both a new mom and photographer, what what would those be?
Caroline: Well, I hate to be “that person” who brings up the saying you’ve, no doubt, been hearing for as long as you can remember, but I’m going to anyways – “it really goes so fast.” Honestly. Document every little thing, even if it doesn’t seem important at the time. One of my favorite things to do is watch videos I took of my son as a newborn. I’m so sad I don’t have more! I can’t believe he was so little only a few months ago and now he already seems like a completely different person. Make sure you are getting in front of the camera too! I know you may not feel like your best, but I promise these are memories you will love to have. Just try to stop and really live in every stage that you’re in, even if it’s hard at the time. One day you’ll look back and long for those days.
There you have it friends! Some pro-tips from our favorite Maryland photographer! If you’re a mom-to-be (or anyone in need of a photographer in the MD/DC/VA area), I highly recommend checking out Caroline’s work.
Caroline’s Portfolio and Contact Information
instagram: @carolinefisher_photography
Wondering about my style?
White and Black Maternity Tee’s (Size XS)
Baby Name Hint Number Five
Of course, I won’t leave you hanging without a baby name hint!
Baby Name Hint #5: His first name contains two syllables.
Good luck friends! Don’t forget to comment below or message me with your guesses. I’m getting some pretty good ones rolling in right now. Worried that you may be missing some of my hints or posts? You can now subscribe to my blog! Check the upper, right hand side bar or on my homepage. You’ll get a notification directly to your inbox each time I post a new blog!
Until next time,

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