Our son was born on January 14th, and this is my labor and delivery story.
40 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Update and Birth Plan
Well friends, contrary to my prediction of an early delivery, I am just about 40 weeks pregnant, going on 1,000,000 weeks pregnant. I was SO SURE I’d go early. Unfortunately, my son doesn’t share my same sense of anxiousness and haste. This last month has been mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. However, it’s all worth it because sooner or later (pray for sooner), Pistachio will make his entrance into the world. So, for my final pregnancy blog, at least this time around, I’m giving you a bit of an idea as to what 40 weeks pregnant is like, how we’re doing, and my “birth plan.” So what’s the deal Christina?…
36 Weeks Pregnant: The Final Month of Pregnancy
Well friends, we are in the ninth inning of this pregnancy, and I’m looking forward to closing it out for the win. Seriously. I just surpassed my 36 weeks pregnant marker, and I’m now officially in my 37th week of pregnancy. I can 100% verify that I am ready for things to get moving. To be fair, I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy. Yes, there have been aches, pains, fatigue, nose bleeds, and swelling…but it could have been a lot worse. I dodged Gestational Diabetes, I only threw up a few times, and I’ve had a normal, healthy weight gain. Most importantly, Pistachio is looking like a healthy little cherub. It’s…
Baby Boy Names I Love But Won’t Be Using (This Time)
It is on friends. We have about six weeks (give or take) left of this pregnancy and then we meet our baby boy! Of course, we have a million things left to do. Like what, you may ask? Like pregnancy classes, hospital bag packing, nursery prep, and all of the other fun things that I’ve saved until the very last minute just so I can, naturally, panic during my last few weeks. Probably not the most effective way to manage my anxiety, but it is what it is. At least we have a name picked out. I finally ordered the first piece of clothing with his name (the cute little…
Healthy Thanksgiving Tips- Happy, Healthy Holiday Series
Welcome back friends and Happy Thanksgiving (week)! In my last post of the Healthy Holidays series, I discussed staying healthy, both physically and emotionally, during the somewhat taxing sojourn to your holiday headquarters. I’m assuming many of you are gearing up for that travel as I write. To you, friend: Good luck. I promise, at the end of the road, there’s a destination filled with love and gratitude. It may take 8+ hours to arrive, but you will survive. Once there, all of the travel stress will dissipate. Then comes the “how am I supposed to stay on track with my #health goals when I’m surrounded by all this delicious…
Maternity Photos 101: Tips and Advice from our Maternity Photographer
We’ve all heard of engagement photos and wedding photos; and who can look past those adorable newborn photos? But maternity photos? That’s “a thing?” You better believe it. Recently, there has been a major influx of mothers-to-be seeking to capture those precious moments of pregnancy on film. The intimacy, excitement, and anticipation of bringing life into the world can only be captured at very select moments in time. When I found out I was pregnant with Pistachio, maternity photos were a no-brainer, for a few reasons: 1) The obvious chance to capture a rare moment in time 2) An opportunity to embrace my pregnant-self through the lens of a professional…
Healthy Holiday Travel Tips
Can you believe we’re actually talking about the holidays right now? Personally, I love the holiday season. I love the family time; I love the gift-buying; I love all the feelings associated with the holiday season:. Who can argue with a solid dose of nostalgia, love, joy, charity, and a sense of “home?” At the risk of sounding really cheesy, I 100% get warm fuzzies. However, I’m also not ignorant to the stressors that surround the holidays. From diet insecurities to travel stress to financial pressure, the holidays can really weigh us down. In my current health coaching practice, and in my past experience in weight-loss counseling, I’ve witnessed how…
Baby Girl Names I Love, But Won’t be Using
Happy November friends! I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of 2018. If you’ve been following my blog since the beginning, you know November is one of my favorite months. If you’re looking for a few ways to spice up your November, check out my Newvember post from last year. I challenge you friends to NOT wait until the new year to make changes. Try something new without the “pressure” or the “hype” of the New Year’s resolution frenzy. Remember, there’s no time like the present. While you’re trying to figure out your “Newvember” challenge, I’m bringing you one of my highly requested baby girl name blog posts! Since…
Gestational Diabetes: Our First Scare & The Facts
Hi friends, so this is a bit of an impromptu blog post, and not something I initially planned on chronicling. However, I just had my first “scare” and wanted to share it with my blog community. This also feeds well into a blog I will plan on writing concerning health before pregnancy and what you can do to set yourself up for a healthy pregnancy. So, here we go. Last week, I went in for my gestational diabetes screening… My Gestational Diabetes Testing Experience The first screening, or the Glucose Challenge Test, is a non-fasted blood test. It tests to see if you’re “at risk” of having gestational diabetes. So prior…
Second Trimester Recap, Must-Haves and Baby Name!
Well, folks, we are officially in the HOME STRETCH. Peace out, second trimester. Hello, third trimester. Instead of doing an update this week, this blog will be more of a reflection on the second trimester. But before we get into that, one big news moment: Matt and I finally agreed on Pistachio’s real name! This is big. Want to know what it is? Sorry…can’t tell you that. But I will be including one baby name hint at the end of each pregnancy blog post (including this post) moving forward. I won’t confirm or deny, of course, until his birth announcement. If you guess the full name (first and middle), you’ll…
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