Oh Hey 2018, So Nice to See You
I promise, I’m not trying to make this blog a once-a-month thing, it’s just, ya know, life. Similar to my post-Thanksgiving blog, I took some much needed time away from social media, blogging, and other digital thangs to focus on time with my family. While I wish I could have entertained you all amidst a crazy month, I unfortunately just couldn’t do it. So without being super repetitive…I’m back. And just like that, it’s 2018 and I’m 32 (NYE baby over here).
2017 was quite the year.
I lost my job, I started a new one. I travelled to Denver, Portugal, and lots of places in between. One of my best friends moved away, a couple got married, and another got engaged. I gained a nephew, a brother-in-law, and a new appreciation for butternut squash. I started my blog, my health coach certification program, and made some solid steps toward building a business. Much like any year, there were so many ups and downs, it’s hard to keep track. At the end of the day, I’m grateful for time well spent with family and friends (incl. Chuck the dog); I’m grateful for the opportunity to pursue my dreams; I’m grateful for the mistakes and the heartache, because they were all lessons. I’m still learning. And that’s ok. That’s what a new year is all about…new opportunities, new challenges, and new lessons that may seem harsh, but teach you a lot about who you are and who you want to become.
So let’s have some real talk. Not gonna lie..coinciding with my stall in blogging was my stall in self care. I slacked a little in my nutrition, weight-lifting, journaling, and other stress management things. I got too wrapped in what I “should be doing” that I forgot to be present in what I actually had going on. Anxiety and stress were running on all four cylinders and it negatively impacted my personal life. No. Bueno. So, this year, I’m making a solid effort to be more present, more attentive, and truly “practice what I preach.” It’s hard. Life is hard. But it’s also a beautiful, wonderful, spontaneous gift. And I, for one, do not throw away gifts. That’s wasteful. So, that being said, here are my thoughts on 2018…
Because, Goals.
- Consistently pay mind to my nutrition and exercise: Duh. I mean, talk about a hard lesson in practicing what you preach. I’m starting off by tackling the Whole30 this month as a way to get back into healthy eating patterns. For more info on that or to join in the fun, check out the Christina Sgambato Wellness Page. I’ve made a triumphant return to the gym after a brief hiatus from lifting. With my Winter Wellness Challenge Group in full effect, I’m going to be more transparent with my nutrition and fitness. That means, more posts about all that fun stuff…it holds me accountable and, hopefully, gives you a little inspo..or fitspo…or whatever you’d like to call it.
- Keep grinding, but enjoy the grind: All of these wheels I’ve set in motion are awesome, and I love creating content, learning about wellness, and helping other people that struggle. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I’m going to make a solid effort to remind myself of my intentions and my purpose, so as not to lose sight of my end goal. Pro-tip: Put sticky notes/motivational quotes/photos that inspire you in places you frequent throughout the day.
- Consistently create new, valuable content: I have a few things up my sleeve for 2018 that I’ve been back and forth about sharing (because, ya know, once it’s out there..I have to do it. GAH!) But, in the name of accountability, I’m going to share:
- Blog Series: I’m not going to promise that I won’t throw some rando blogs in there, but I’m going to start using a “series” format for my blogs. I’ll be announcing the first series shortly. So stay tuned. That also means building out a content calendar, which I clearly lack at the moment. Total amateur move.
- Vlogs: This is scary and I’ve been pretty nervous about entering the realm of video, but there’s SO MUCH content that can be shared easily through video that people, such as myself, don’t have the attention span for in written format. Most of my vlogs will compliment my blog…I’ll just be able to go into more detail through video…and pretend like I’m a celebrity.
- Guests: I am SUPER excited about this one, so hold on tight. I’m pretty open minded in regards to health and wellness and love testing out new products, new therapies, and new styles of nutrition/fitness. I’m starting to make connections with some amazing, like-minded people that can add some real value..and will be featuring them in future blogs and vlogs. My first guest blogger is a dear friend and knows all the ins and outs of Essential Oils. Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of all the wonderful uses of these little droplets of heaven, but my girl Nicole is an expert. If there’s something you’re just dying to learn more about, let me know!
- Be present with family and friends: I have to admit, there were times this year that I would almost feel guilty about hanging out with family and friends when I “SHOULD” be working on something for my business. Part of me felt like that was crazy talk, and the other part of me felt like I just wasn’t trying hard enough. But, you see, there’s a huge correlation between our personal wellness and the relationships we have. At the end of the day, the people we surround ourselves with are going to be the people that get us through the tough times, make the good times that much better, and provide us all that warm and fuzzy joy in life. Wasting time lamenting on what we “should be doing” instead, is kind of poppycock. That is all.
- Take on more clients: As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m in the process of launching my health coaching business!! So, naturally, in order to do that I’m looking to expand my client base. Right now, I’m offering free initial wellness consultations (can be conducted virtually so, fear not if you aren’t local to Maryland) for all my readers that are looking to set the wheels in motion for a healthier 2018. If this is something you’d be interested, be sure to follow my Wellness Page on Facebook and shoot me a message.
On that note, I encourage everyone to take a minute and review all that was wonderful about 2017. Don’t throw your knuckles up at me yet. Instead of focusing on what you didn’t do, what went wrong, and all of the awful things that happened…focus on what you did right. What wonderful things happened? What did you achieve? What lessons did you learn that have made you a better person? You may not be where you’d like to be yet, and that’s ok. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. After reflecting, set yourself up with some 2018 goals. For more inspo on how to set and stick to goals, check out one of my previous blogs. Have a safe, healthy, and happy 2018 and I’ll see you in the next blog! Peace, love, and all that jazz