![Second Trimester Recap](https://i0.wp.com/christinasgambato.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/pregnant-2-gty-er-171120_16x9_1600.jpg?resize=1140%2C641&ssl=1)
Second Trimester Recap, Must-Haves and Baby Name!
Well, folks, we are officially in the HOME STRETCH. Peace out, second trimester. Hello, third trimester. Instead of doing an update this week, this blog will be more of a reflection on the second trimester. But before we get into that, one big news moment: Matt and I finally agreed on Pistachio’s real name! This is big. Want to know what it is? Sorry…can’t tell you that. But I will be including one baby name hint at the end of each pregnancy blog post (including this post) moving forward. I won’t confirm or deny, of course, until his birth announcement. If you guess the full name (first and middle), you’ll win a small prize. To participate, comment below or on one of my social media posts with your first name and middle name. You have to get both to win, but you can guess as often as you’d like. You are disqualified if my “loose lips, sink ships” husband accidentally tells you the name. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Overall, the second trimester was pretty darn easy compared to the first trimester.
I expanded my diet beyond oyster crackers and dry toast and all of the early pregnancy anxiety over miscarriage rates and potential health issues disappeared. If anyone else felt like a massive weight was lifted off of their shoulders after getting out of the “danger zone”….same.
Some other highlights from the second trimester included:
- Checking out my son’s stellar acrobatic skills: Feeling Pistachio kick for the first time was a surreal experience. It’s a solid reminder that a human, my human, is growing inside of me. How freaking cool is that?!
- Feeling and looking pregnant: The first-trimester kind of feels like one long, drawn-out battle with some brutal PMS. When the second trimester rolls around, you get that cute little bump signifying that you are, indeed, carrying a child and not a Chipotle burrito.
- Finding out the gender, knowing he’s a healthy baby, and watching him develop: Possibly the highlight of my second trimester was that 20-week anatomy scan when we found out we were having a healthy baby boy. We’ve had an ultrasound every month since that anatomy scan and have watched him develop at the speed of light.
- The dreaming and planning: Every person responds to “the planning process” differently. I LOVE IT. Yes, the registry process was a little overwhelming and the nursery planning (and spending) was enough to give my husband agita, but visualizing our future family has been a blast.
- Sharing the fun: I can’t describe how life-changing it has been to share this experience with my family and friends. The emotions, the nostalgia, the support, and the genuine excitement have been more than I could have ever asked for. On top of that, I’ve had the opportunity to share this journey with all of you! Honestly, it’s unreal. I’ve received some of the best tips, advice, motivation, and heartfelt messages from my readers. I am blessed to have this platform and these memories to look back on.
Taking all of that into account, the second trimester was NOT without its challenges. For example:
- Being uncomfortable: Yes, watching the belly grow and knowing our little nugget is kicking away in there is mentally and emotionally surreal. However, physically, it’s not the most pleasant experience. Not to scare any pre-moms about to enter into their 2nd trimesters, but with the itchy skin, back pain, shaving complications, sleeping issues, sensitive gums, and increasingly difficult bathroom challenges, T-2 was not all rainbows and unicorns. TMI? Perhaps. But this is a pregnancy blog…what do you expect? Not to mention, the fine line that exists between ravenous and” post-Thanksgiving full.”
- Exhaustion: I’m not gonna lie. I fell victim to the notion that my exhaustion from the first trimester would magically disappear in the second trimester. I mean, that’s what all of my books said. But honestly, I still felt exhausted a good portion of the time. Now, I also experienced a lot of added stressors in my second trimester like moving, acclimating to my new (draining) commute, completing my integrative health certification program, experiencing a significant loss, and trying to sell our townhouse. So…maybe I can’t blame it ALL on pregnancy?
- Food Aversions: More lies I told myself. I had visions of expanding my palate, engaging in new culinary experiences, and even developing the weird-as-heck cravings that the movies always portrayed. Perhaps that’s a reality to some, but not this lady. I’ve become MORE picky during pregnancy and more averse to certain types of foods. Also, a lot of food just doesn’t agree with me anymore. For example, brussels sprouts. I LOVE brussels sprouts, but they do not love pregnant Christina.
- Longing for the “no-no’s”: Please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m sure some people will regardless, but once the nausea of the first trimester dissipated and specifically as the second trimester started to wind down, I started to genuinely miss my Friday evening glass of “wine-down”, celebratory drinks (like when we FINALLY closed on our house and I had to settle for fake champagne), and the occasional happy hour. For the record, my husband has already promised to buy me a bottle of Veuve for my first post-pregnancy drink. Judge me if you will.
Side note: I always worry about sharing some of the difficulties because I don’t want it to be taken the wrong way nor do I want to upset anyone out there who is struggling or has struggled with infertility. More often than not, I am overwhelmed with graciousness to have the opportunity to be a mom. I’m just trying to keep it real with you because I know I’m not alone in my experience. I also know plenty of moms who have had much harder pregnancies than me. I give you a standing O for getting through it. Pregnancy, friends, is no joke.
Now, moving on. I’ve had quite a few readers reach out and ask for some tips on navigating through the second trimester.
So, without further adieu, here are some of my “second trimester must haves”
- Belly Butter, oil, and/or lotion: I don’t care who you are. At some point during the second trimester, you WILL start to expand and your skin will get itchy. Yes, there are claims that these products will “prevent stretch marks,” but reality check…stretch marks are in their genes. Sorry friends. What I can tell you: these products can, quite literally, allow you to feel comfortable in your skin. Here are a few personal recommendations:
- Mother’s Special Blend, All-Natural Skin toning oil
- Jergen’s All-Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer (to be fair, I’ve been using this lotion for 10+ years)
- Earth Mama Belly Butter
- I also add doTerra essential oils to all my moisturizers. Check out this post for tips on what I use.
- Maternity clothes: Yes, you can get by using the same clothes you had pre-pregnancy for quite some time, especially during the early part of the second trimester. My pre-preggo long cardigans, workout clothes (except sports bras), and non-fitted dresses and tops continue to work for me. However, there comes a point, when it just doesn’t cut it anymore. Again, this is different for everyone, but I find that fitted maternity tops and dresses are far more flattering than some of the looser styles I wore pre-pregnancy. And jeans…I’ve been getting by with the “hair tie” trick and, eventually, belly band for most of my pregnancy, but now it’s just not comfortable. PRO TIP: Don’t waste money on “maternity cardigans” or workout clothes. Friends, it’s just another way to mark up your shopping cart. If you find these staples are a little snug, size up for these staples from your favorite retailers. If you are shopping maternity, buy your pre-pregnancy size or even size down. Maternity clothes tend to run large. Here are a few of my recommendations, but comment below or on this post with some of your maternity finds:
- Maternity tanks and tees (Target): Target has some of the best deals on quality tanks and tees. I loved their basics. Pro tip: Hang dry them to keep the shape and length.
- Maternity leggings (Target): I want to invest in a pair of “higher quality” leggings but to be honest, I’ve been pretty happy with my Target ones. Any recommendations from my readers on maternity leggings?
- Fitted dresses: I NEVER used to wear body con or fitted dresses. But, I find that during pregnancy, they’ve been clutch. During the summer (most of my second trimester) I wore them solo. Now that it’s getting chillier out, I can pair it with a long cardigan, chambray shirt, or a plaid shirt if you want to be basic. Here are a few of my inexpensive faves: Isabel Maternity from Target, PattyBoutik Ruched Sheath Dress from Amazon, and Pinkydot Women’s Maternity Dress.
- Maternity jeans: I hesitated to put this one on here because, as I mentioned before, I’ve held out on getting maternity jeans, but I’m now at the point when they may be a necessity. I haven’t found a pair yet that’s done the trick, but comment below or on one of my posts with your recommendations for maternity jeans. I think if I had one good pair…I’d be golden.
- An open mind when dealing with symptoms: Friends, I’m about to share some major news: Your body WILL change during pregnancy. You’ll probably start to experience weird symptoms and need to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate all the changes. And that is OK. Even if the symptoms don’t seem like a big deal, bring them up to your healthcare provider. Trust your team of professionals. I chose to see midwives and they have been super helpful. Having trouble going to the bathroom? Bring on the Colace. Need to settle that stomach? Do not fear TUMS. Yes, there are other, more natural ways to deal with these ailments, and, by all means, try those methods too. I consistently use different essential oils to deal with headaches, minor digestive troubles, sleep, and some of my aches/pains. I eat a fiber-rich diet, drink a lot of water, and stay active. I employ a lot of these natural techniques, but I also know that I need a little extra help sometimes. Don’t suffer more than you have to. You’ll do more harm than good.
- Keep your wellness in check and use an accountability buddy or a coach: As long as you have medically been cleared, I’ve found it incredibly helpful to stay active and eat healthy (as much as possible) during this pregnancy. I have more energy when I’m more active and it’s a great stress reducer. Pro Tip: Have some at-home activity options available. You may be a gym rat or soul cycle sista, but there will be days when you want to stay home. Instead of throwing in the towel, arm yourself with easy, at-home exercise options. This may come as a shocker: eating healthy will benefit you AND the little bambino. Where do you think the baby is getting all of his or her nutrients? These nutrients are essential for proper fetal development, and to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This may sound a little, off-color, but the baby is literally sucking the nutrients out of you. Now, I’m not saying you have to hire someone (but I know a great health coach if you’re looking for one, wink wink), but it’s really helpful to have someone holding you accountable. Ask a friend or significant other to exercise with you, cook healthy meals, or simply keep you in check. I didn’t even need to ask my husband…he took it upon himself (insert eye roll). You can find more healthy preggo tips in my Prenatal Exercise and Healthy First Trimester blog posts!
- Look into a pregnancy wedge, pillow, or a few extra bed pillows: Sleeping can be rough, especially when you have to pee every 2-3 hours and no position is comfortable. I find that using a few pillows around my belly and between my legs has helped. A few of my girlfriends also recommend this pregnancy wedge pillow or, you could be extra and get the full-on pregnancy pillow. Sleep is precious. Do what you can to preserve it.
- Grab yourself an exercise ball: Near the end of my second trimester, I started to get uncomfortable sitting in my chair at work and home. I planned on getting an exercise ball closer to the end of pregnancy because I know that it can be really helpful in “getting things going” and (supposedly) help ease the pain of labor. However, I caved early. By utilizing this exercise ball instead of a chair, you engage your core, lower back, and pelvic floor. All of these muscles are super important during the L&D process, and I plan on doing whatever I can to make that period of my life a little less painful. BONUS: you’re also activating posture muscles, and with all that extra weight in the front, it’s a surefire way to combat the pregnancy hump. Check out Mama Naturals’ blog post on birthing balls for more info: https://www.mamanatural.com/birth-ball/
- Every party has a pooper, and sometimes, it’s you…but sometimes it’s not: I’ve gotten used to the fact that I now go to bed at 10 o’clock every night, including weekend nights. Honestly, that’s even pushing it. At first, I felt bad leaving a party early or calling it a night before my husband was “ready.” There were other days when I felt completely awful and couldn’t muster up the energy to be social. Not to beat a dead horse, but seriously…listen to your body. And if people are relying on you to be DD, let them know that it comes with the price of operating on your schedule. Sorry kiddos. On the other hand, don’t use pregnancy as an excuse not to be social or be a perpetual flake. Your friends will be your sanity during this crazy time. Make time for them, and make time for new friends. Check out local prenatal yoga classes or join some “mom groups” on Facebook. You’ll get useful tips with some much-needed social interaction with other moms and moms-to-be. Score!
- Speaking of parties, try to have your baby shower at the end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd trimester: My Massachusetts baby shower was at the end of my second trimester and my Maryland baby shower is at the beginning of my 3rd. This may sound early, but I can’t tell you how many people have come up to me and said they wished they had done the same. First, I’m not so uncomfortable and tired that I don’t want to socialize. I had a blast catching up with family and friends at my shower. I was non-stop for 8 hours (we hosted an after-shower party, as well) and it was fabulous. Will I have that energy as we get closer to my due date? Probably not. Second, I know what I have and what I still need as we inch closer to Pistachio’s arrival. I can start finagling with some of the gifts to see how they work because I have no idea what I’m doing. Third, my family does not live close and, to be quite honest, I’m trying to avoid making any plans, especially those that require travel, in my final month of pregnancy.
- Enjoy all the little moments: Finding out the gender (if you so choose). Picking out the name. Entertaining guests at your shower. Feeling that first kick. Watching the belly grow. Take the time to reflect on all of these milestones as you move through them. A friend of mine told me that she kept a journal during pregnancy and wrote letters to her daughter in it. She plans on continuing to write in the journal until her daughter turns 18 and she’ll give it to her on her birthday. How awesome is that? I’m stealing that idea. Find your way to make these moments as special as possible because time will fly by.
Whew! That’s a lot. I hope all of you moms-to-be found this helpful. And for my readers who aren’t moms-to-be, I hope you at least found this entertaining and/or relatable. Now…time for our first baby name hint! The hints will get less vague as we get closer and you’ll get some extra hints when I do my “baby names we love but won’t be using” blog.
Baby Name Hint #1: All three initials (first, middle, and last) are different letters in the alphabet.
Until next time friends,
![gestational diabetes](https://i0.wp.com/christinasgambato.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/GD.jpg?resize=75%2C75&ssl=1)
![Essential Oils](https://i0.wp.com/christinasgambato.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FB_IMG_1538495003136.jpg?resize=75%2C75&ssl=1)
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MES, Jr.