Labor Day Weekend: A Healthier Approach
Hi friends! Happy Labor Day Weekend! Personally, I love Labor Day weekend. Yes, to some it may signify the theoretical end of summer. Everyone knows that it isn’t ACTUALLY the end of summer, right? For those of us still living in a 90 degree heat wave, summer is far from over. So, I’ll take the three-day, long weekend in September to usher in some #basic essentials like football season, dreams of leggings and flannels, apple scented candles and my favorite…pumpkin everything (dairy-free, of course). Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons (if not the most beautiful), and I’m excited to spend my first autumn in the country. Now, back…
My Pregnancy Blog: A Healthy Attempt at the First Trimester
If you read my previous First Trimester blog, then I don’t need to tell you again about how “not-so-pleasant” I felt during the first trimester of this first pregnancy. If you haven’t read any of the other blogs in this series, DO IT because I’m not going to re-hash it. That being said, as an Integrative Health Coach and well, a person that just likes to feel as though I’m nurturing my body, I tried to stay mindful of my feet, fork, and fingers. In other words, I still tried to eat as healthy as possible and move as much as I was physically able to. The latter was a heck…
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Adventures in Baking with Coconut Flour (2 Stellar Recipes)
Over a year ago, I bought coconut flour for one paleo recipe I was testing out. ICYDK replacement flours are a little pricier than regular flours. But, I really wanted to try this recipe and it called for coconut flour. So on a whim, I bought it. Recipe turned out great…problem is, after I made that ONE dessert item, I never used the coconut flour again. It sat on the shelf in my cabinet, taking up much needed real estate. This particularly annoys my husband, as his two biggest pet peeves are clutter and spending money on things we never use. Cue the eye roll. So, as I’ve started to…
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