Second Trimester Recap: Navigating New Emotions and Familiar Challenges
How are we here already? Sometimes it feels like time is flying and other times I’m asking “Are we there yet?” We will officially say goodbye to the second trimester on Sunday, and it feels like the perfect time to reflect on the past few months of this pregnancy journey. From surprising symptoms to emotional revelations, this trimester has been a whirlwind and a window into the complex layers of second-time motherhood. Here’s how things have unfolded—the wonderful, the challenging, and everything in between. Second Trimester Symptoms: Same Ride, Different Stops Every pregnancy is unique, and this one has certainly proven that point. While some symptoms mirrored those I experienced…
Advanced Maternal Age: Something to Celebrate
Hello all! Coming at you live, at about 16 weeks pregnant with my second baby by the time this publishes, and I am ready to talk about all of the positive things around “advanced maternal age.” For those of you unfamiliar with the term, “advanced maternal age” is the language used by researchers and medical professionals to define pregnancy at or after the age of 35. This term has been around since the 1950s, with some variations including “elderly pregnancy” and “geriatric pregnancy.” If those are the alternatives, I’ll stick with advanced maternal age (or AMA). The threshold is somewhat arbitrary in that, it signifies a gradual decline in fertility…