Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! This blog has been a looong time comin’…for real. I’ve probably started and stopped the “blogging process” about 10 times since I finished my undergraduate degree in 2007. Ten years later, and here we are. Let me give you the skimmed down version: I’d get all jazzed up about the newest thing I wanted to write about. Fad diet rants, surviving the post-college blues, moving away from home, my dog (just kidding…although he is a great dog)…you name it, I was inspired to write about it. And then, just like that, my blogging dreams would fizzle. I’d attribute it to lack of time, lack of motivation, or lack of content ideas. However, let’s be real, at the end of the day, the main reason I’d just stop was FEAR. Fear of saying something that didn’t jive well with a lot of people; fear that my writing is poor; fear that my life just isn’t that interesting; fear that by putting myself out there, I’d instantaneously be vulnerable to the opinions and, oh no, the judgement of others. Fear has a nasty way of totally mean-girling you and saying “I don’t think so hun. It’s just not your thing.”
But not anymore.
I believe that for everyone, there comes a point in life when fear loses. It takes some people more time than others to get there (guilty!), but everyone gets there eventually. And it doesn’t all disappear at once. You don’t wake up one day and say “Hi world. I am no longer afraid of anything.” We’re humans, and fear is naturally a part of our life. However, when those fears become debilitating and/or prevent you from reaching your goals, experiencing new things, and leaving you in a constant state of worry…something has got to change. And one thing I have learned in my 32 years of existence: things don’t change unless you get off your fanny and change them (very profound, I know).
So here we are.
No more hiding in my little hole hoping to make a difference without really putting myself out there. Through this blog, I hope to inspire you to take action in your life…to face your fears, whatever that may mean to you. I’ll be sharing my journey along the road to becoming my best self. While most of my content will be health/wellness focused, I’ll also include other things that are important to me like travel, relationships, and little life lessons that I’ve learned and continue to learn along the way. If, at the end of the day, I’ve inspired a few people to face their fears, step outside that comfortable little pity party, and make some changes toward their best selves, then I’d call this blog a success. ~ Xtina