
Taking a “Carni-Light” Challenge

So, let’s chat. As part of my road to help other people build a stronger, healthier, more fulfilling life, I too must consistently assess and revise the path I’m taking to reach my #healthgoals. As I’ve mentioned in my previous blog and bio, I’ve had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food since high school. And even before that, as a child, I didn’t really eat “healthy.” As with many typical American households, I constantly snacked on things like potato chips, Oreos, and let’s not forget, my childhood favorite…Dunkaroos.  Pizza, McDonalds (you know, before they tried to be #health) and takeout happened because time was never on my parents’ side. But, despite eating a lot of junk food, I also grew up with a VERY Italian mother who grew up eating fruits and vegetables from her grandfathers garden and loved providing us with delicious  home-cooked meals that often involved fresh vegetables (insert praying hands). So, while my diet wasn’t the most healthy, it also wasn’t the worst. Then, when my super unhealthy relationship with food began, I started taking in a lot of artificials…and I mean, A LOT. I wouldn’t consume anything unless it was “lite” or “diet.” Gum, “Chemical” Farms,  diet soda…

I think you get the gist…I’ve basically put my digestive system through WWIII.

Over the past few years, I’ve been making a lot of changes to improve my digestion. I’ve started incorporating more probiotic-rich foods, as well as, probiotic and prebiotic supplements into my diet. I eat a lot of fiber (perhaps too much sometimes). I have significantly upped my water intake and reduced my use of artificial sweeteners. However, I’m still not QUITE there yet. This past year, I took a more bodybuilding approach to food and fitness, which BTW, I love…but I’ll get to that in another post. Because of this, I’ve been eating a significant amount of meat-sourced protein. And lately, I’ve just been feeling a bit off. After doing quite a bit of research, I’ve decided to give my digestive system a little break and hop on the plant-based bandwagon. Now, that being said, I’m not going completely vegan. Who knows…maybe one day I will, but for now, I’d prefer to take a more balanced approach and go “Carni-Light.” So what does that mean? I’ll break it down for you in the infographic below. My “challenge” will extend 30 days, starting on August 20th and ending on September 18th. This “challenge” is more of a tester…At the end of the 30 days, I’m going to re-evaluate, paying close attention to how my body is reacting to my new approach.  I’ll be sharing recipes, check-ins, and tips leading up to and during the challenge. I’d love for you to join as well!

Who are you and why are you here- Keep it short and sweet..png

A few notes about this challenge, especially if you want to join in on the fun:

  1. I’ve created a protein goal, mainly because that is my one area of concern when it comes to consuming less meat and animal byproducts. That gram amount is particular to me and my lifestyle (I workout and lift weights 5-6 days a week). Im consuming more than that currently, but I’m trying to be realistic.
  2. I have a dairy allergy, which is why I’m choosing to go totally vegan for most days/meals. Plant-based doesn’t necessarily have to mean vegan, so if you want to include animal byproducts like dairy and eggs, that’s totally up to you.
  3. As another “gut health initiative,” I’m limiting my alcohol consumption to the above parameters. This is a personal decision and has nothing to do with being plant-based. So, you do you.
  4. I always encourage activity as much as possible. Plant-based diets have been found to have numerous health benefits, especially when combined with an active lifestyle. The Mediterranean Diet, for example, has a predominantly plant-based foundation (with inclusion of meats and animal byproducts in small amounts). However, it is also accompanied by an active lifestyle. Just some food for thought.

