Christina: Let's Make a Change



It’s Nov. 1 and you know what that means…Newvember! There’s something about November that’s just so darn exciting. Maybe it’s the holiday decor. Maybe it’s the change of the seasons.  Maybe it’s the family get-togethers.  Maybe it’s the promise of 2 back-to-back months of vacation days. Whatever it may be, there’s an air of both hope and impulsive magic that seems to flourish. Around this time last year, I was a month away from my wedding and between celebrating the wedding of one of my all-time besties and finishing up my own last-minute wedding deets,  I didn’t fully embrace the opportunity to reflect and make some moves. Quite frankly, I had enough going on and my “month of sporadic change” was temporarily shifted. But this year I’m feeling that desire to spice things up a bit. And I encourage YOU to do so, as well.

Hear me out.


As part of my morning routine, I make it a point to read a devotional. Now, before I lose all of my non-God loving readers out there, the power of doing a devotional goes beyond a specific religion. The underlying lessons and interpretations can resonate and move any person, regardless of religion. Now, back to the point.  As I was reading The Confident Woman Devotional, by my girl Joyce Meyer this morning,  I couldn’t help but shout out my most basic, arm-raised, millennial “PREACH” when I read these words she wrote:

Although I want to be dependable and faithful, I don’t always want to be predictable. Sometimes I get bored with myself and I have to ask God for a creative idea to shake up my life a little.”

SO. ME.  Naturally, I took this as a sign to share my thoughts on the power of change, no matter how big or small it may be. I’ve made some BIG changes  over the years, like getting married, moving, and changing careers (a few times)..but I’ve also made little changes, like dying my hair or starting a new workout program.   Changes don’t need to be these astronomical, life-changing decisions. Making a little change can go a long way, especially when you’re feeling bored, stuck, dull, unmotivated, or just have a case of the “blaahh’s.”  

Here are a few ideas on some small ways you can add a little flava flav back into your day-to-day:


1. Change up your workspace:  For a place you spend 8+ hours a day, your work space should be a reflection of you. Not to go all feng shui on ya’ll, but your surroundings can seriously affect your vibe. I know we aren’t all graced with the ability to go through a total cubicle/desk renovation due to work stipulations, but little things like putting some pictures up, adding a few plants, asking work for a standing desk, or changing out your office supplies for some schnazzy pieces can add some serious life to this little space you call home for the majority of your weekday waking hours.

2. Read a new book: This is one of my favorites. Whenever I feel a little down or need a different perspective, reading a new book really ignites something in me. Not gonna lie, my bookshelf includes a lot of nutrition and health focused books. For leisure, I’m typically a fan of personal development or true crime books (because they’re totally similar, right?) A few of my favorite, easy to read personal development books include: Jen Sincero’s You are a Badass, Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini, and of course #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso. If you’re wondering what true crime novels I’m into…look up any serial killer cases and I’ve probably read a book about it. In case you didn’t know, as a child, it was my dream to be a homicide detective. Didn’t work out.

3. Try out a new holistic “self-care” practice: I can write an entire post on self-care ideas (don’t worry, it’s in the queue), but more and more scientifically-backed research is coming out concerning the benefits of self-care practices. From stress management to gut health to improved sleep…legit life changing things are going on and we just need to do things that make us feel good?!? What?! Since you’re totally living on the edge now, try something new like acupuncture, massage therapy, or morning meditation. If you want to test something out sans $$, try taking an epsom salt bath. Light a few candles, put on some relaxing music, and mellow out. Just don’t put your head in the candles. That’s no fun.

4. Try a different type of physical activity: I had to throw at least ONE fitness/nutrition thing in here. This one goes out specifically to all of my marathoners,  cardio queens, bodybuilders, and ardent yogis that have been doing the SAME thing for ages. It’s great to find a routine, don’t get me wrong. But have you ever felt bored with what you’re doing? Are you still feeling challenged? Remember, exercise releases endorphins. So if you aren’t feeling those endorphins running through your veins, or if it’s becoming a chore to do something you once l-o-v-e-d., maybe it’s time to try something new? What’s the worst thing that could happen? Check out a local class or gym. Or, ya know, there’s this thing called the internet where you can stream ALL different types of workouts on Youtube. Fo’ free.  Go for it.

5. Change your “look”: Woo hoo! So, if you’re a friend or family member (which I’m assuming most of you are because I haven’t exactly gone viral…yet), I manifest a lot of my desires to change in my hair. I have changed my hair color and style more than I’ve changed addresses…and that’s saying a lot.  A new hair color or cut is really liberating for me. I’m not sure why, but it totally gives me this sense of renewal. If you’re super protective over your hair, there are other ways to change things up in the image department.  Try out one of the latest style trends that you’ve been eyeing.  Go to Sephora, Ulta, or MAC,  have one of their artists give you a make-over, and purchase some new makeup.  Early Christmas present? And if you’d, once again, prefer not to dole out dollars, try out a different hairstyle or use the make-up you have to create a different look. Again, check out YouTube for some great tutorials.


Stop Fearing Change.   


Change is a part of life. It’s a part of growth. Change can be as simple as those little things listed above. Remember my first blog post Fearless? If you’re feeling the urge for something more…I encourage you to take a look at your life as a whole and reflect. Reflect on those resolutions you made at the beginning of the year. Are you closer to your goals?  Are you doing what you love? Are you where you want to be? I talk a lot about goal setting and the importance of creating a thoughtful plan.  But, sometimes, you just need to DO it. Make a change.  Some of the best, most amazing things in my life have happened when I decided to just act. People may have deemed these actions whimsical, ill-planned, immature and dare I say it…crazy.  I call it taking a chance. I call it not settling. Life would be really boring without those moments of “craziness.” Some things worked out…some..well, they were lessons. When I moved to away from my home, leaving my friends and family and a pretty secure job, I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t know exactly what would happen. And while I didn’t necessarily set myself up for the easiest run,  I learned more about myself through those struggles than I could have ever imagined. I met my husband, my soul mate, because I took a chance and made a change (cue Kelly Clarkson).  I hope this  little homage on the power of change ignited something in you; inspired you to unpredictably make a change….or, at least to think about it. So what will Newvember bring for me? Guess you’ll just have to tune in. Until next time, 
